Heathenry, Basics
The Penguin Book of Norse Myths: Gods Of The Vikings (2011), by Kevin Crossley-Holland
(Do not get the book of mythology by Neil Gaiman first. It is not as reflective of the historical sources, as that of Crossley-Holland.)
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe (1965), by H. R. Ellis Davidson
Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism (2006), by Diana L. Paxson
A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru (2013), by Patricia M. Lafayllve
The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology (2006), by Snorri Sturluson, Jesse L. Byock (Translator)
The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes (2015), by Jackson Crawford
Dictionary of Northern Mythology (2008), by Rudolf Simek, Angela Hall
Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe (1988), by H. R. Ellis Davidson
For Children
Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor and Loki (2017), by Kevin Crossley-Holland, Jeffrey Alan Love
Theology, Ethics, and Religious Studies
The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion (1968), by Mircea Eliade
A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism, by John Michael Greer
The Case for Polytheism (2015), by Steven Dillon
The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1995), by Emile Durkheim, Karen E. Fields (Translator)
Honor (1994), by Frank Henderson Stewart
The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History (2005), by Mircea Eliade, Willard R. Trask (Translator)
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (2002), by Professor Mary Douglas
Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice (2010), by Catherine Bell
The Science of Sacrifice (1998), by Susan L. Mizruchi
Myth and Meaning: Cracking the Code of Culture (1995), by Claude Levi-Strauss
Sacred Gifts: Reciprocity and the Gods (2016), by Kirk S. Thomas
The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies (2000), by Marcel Mauss
Runes: Literacy in the Germanic Iron Age (2016), by Stephen Pollington
Long Branches: Runes of the Younger Futhark (2013), by Ann Groa Sheffield
Taking Up The Runes: A Complete Guide To Using Runes In Spells, Rituals, Divination, And Magic (2005), by Diana L Paxson
Runic Amulets and Magic Objects (2006), by Mindy MacLeod, Bernard Mees
Runes, Magic and Religion: A Sourcebook (2004), by McKinnell, Simek, and Düwel
Sorcery and Witchcraft (Seiðr and Trolldom)
The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (2018), by Neil Price
Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic: Ecstasy and Neo-Shamanism in North European Paganism (2001), by Jenny Blain
The Norse Shaman: Ancient Spiritual Practices of the Northern Tradition (2016), by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages (2013), by Stephen A. Mitchell
Icelandic Magic: Aims, Tools and Techniques of the Icelandic Sorcerers (2015), by Christopher Alan Smith
Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700-1100 (2017), by Max Dashu
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 3: The Middle Ages (2002), by Bengt Ankarloo
The Seed of Yggdrasill: Deciphering Hidden Messages In The Old Norse Myths (2012), by Maria Kvilhaug
Shamanism in Norse Myth and Magic, Volume One (2012), by Clive Tolley
Shamanism in Norse Myth and Magic, Volume Two (2012), by Clive Tolley
(Magic) Staffs in the Viking Age (2016), by Leszek Gardela
The Way of the Wise: Traditional Norwegian Folk and Magic Medicine (2015), by J.T. Sibley
Trolldom: Spells and Methods of the Norse Folk Magic Tradition (2015), by Johannes Björn Gårdbäck
Anglo-Saxon Heathenry
The Elder Gods: The Otherworld of Early England (2017), by Stephen Pollington
Looking for the Lost Gods of England (2010), by Kathleen Herbert
The Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons c.597-c.700: Discourses of Life, Death and Afterlife (2009), by Marilyn Dunn
Beowulf: A New Verse Translation (2000), by Seamus Heaney (translator)
Frankish Heathenry
The Franks (1988), by Edward James
At Elder Shrines (2017), by Gunivortus Goos
Gregory of Tours: The Merovingians (2000), by Alexander Callander Murray
The Merovingian Kingdoms 450 – 751 (1993), by Ian Wood
Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World (1994), by Patrick J. Geary
Women in Frankish Society: Marriage and the Cloister, 500 to 900 (1985), by Suzanne Fonay Wemple
The Franks: From Their Origin as a Confederacy to the Establishment of the Kingdom of France and the German Empire (2017), by Lewis Sergeant
Community and Frith
The Mead-Hall: The Feasting Tradition in Anglo-Saxon England (2011), by Stephen Pollington
Viking Age Iceland (2001), by Jesse L. Byock
Lady with a Mead Cup: Ritual, Prophecy and Lordship in the European Warband from La Tene to the Viking Age (2013), by Michael J Enright
Trade, Gift-giving and Romanitas: A Comparison of the Use of Roman Imports in Western Britain and Southern Scandinavia (2009), by Thomas Green
Further Explorations, Interpretation
Elves, Wights, and Trolls: Studies Towards the Practice of Germanic Heathenry (2007), by Kveldulf Gundarsson
The Road to Hel: A Study of the Conception of the Dead in Old Norse Literature (1968), by H. R. Ellis Davidson
A Piece of Horse Liver: Myth, Ritual and Folklore in Old Icelandic Sources (1998), by Jon Hnefill Adalsteinsson
Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes & Interactions (2006), by Anders Andren, Kristina Jennbert (Editors)
Tracing Old Norse Cosmology: The World Tree, Middle Earth and the Sun in Archeaological Perspectives (2014), by Anders Andrén
More than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices and Regional Distribution in Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions (2012), by Catharina Raudvere and Jens Peter Schjodt (Editors)
The Well and the Tree: World and Time in Early Germanic Culture (1982), by Paul C. Bauschatz
Indo-European Sacred Space: Vedic and Roman Cult (2006), by Roger D. Woodard (Hardcover)
Beyond Barrows: Current research on the structuration and perception of the Prehistoric Landscape through Monuments (2013), by David R. Fontijn, et al (Editors).
The Divine Thunderbolt (2009), by J T Sibley
Pagan Goddesses in the Early Germanic World: Eostre, Hreda and the Cult of Matrons (2011), by Philip A. Shaw
Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction to the Goddess (2006), by Patricia M Lafayllve
Demons and Spirits of the Land: Ancestral Lore and Practices (2015), by Claude Lecouteux
The Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices (2013), by Claude Lecouteux
The Ritual Killing and Burial of Animals: European Perspectives (2011), by Aleksander Pluskowski (Editor)
The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas: Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil (2016), by Al Ridenour
The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation (2003), by James C. Russell
Further Explorations, Primary Sources
The Sagas of Icelanders (2001), by Various Authors, Jane Smiley (Editor)
The History of the Danes, Books I-IX: I. (2009), by Saxo Grammaticus, Hilda Ellis Davidson and Peter Fisher (translators)
History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen (2002), by Adam of Adam of Bremen, Timothy Reuter (translator)
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness: Arab Travellers in the Far North (2012), by Ibn Fadlan, Paul Lunde (Translator)
The Saga of the Volsungs: With the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok (2017), by Jackson Crawford (translator)
The Vinland Sagas (2008), by Anonymous, Keneva Kunz (Translator)
Leechcraft: Early English Charms, Plant-Lore and Healing (2000), by Stephen Pollington
Heimskringla: or, The Lives of the Norse Kings (1990), by Snorri Sturluson
Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic (1996), by Bill Griffiths
Germania (2002), by Tacitus
The Gallic War: Seven Commentaries on The Gallic War with an Eighth Commentary by Aulus Hirtius (2008), by Julius Caesar
The Annals: The Reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero (2008), by Cornelius Tacitus
Further Explorations, Primary Sources, Frankish Specific
Carolingian Chronicles: Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard’s Histories (1970), by Bernhard Walter Scholz, Barbara Rogers-Gardner (Translator)
The Formularies of Angers and Marculf: Two Merovingian Legal Handbooks (2009), by Alice Rio (Editor)
The Laws of the Salian Franks (1991), by Katherine Fisher Drew (Translator)
A History of the Franks (1976), by Gregory of Tours, Lewis Thorpe (Translator)
Further Explorations, Modern
Rites of Raven’s Knoll (2017), editors, Juniper Birch, Austin Lawrence, Gypsy Birch, Dr. Maryanne Pearce
Crafting the Web: Canadian Heathens and their Quest for a ‘Virtuous’ Self (2015), by Joshua James Harmsworth
American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement (2015), by Jennifer Snook
Feasting and Cooking
An Early Meal: A Viking Age Cookbook & Culinary Odyssey (2013), by Daniel Serra, Hanna Tunberg
The Nordic Cookbook (2015), by Magnus Nilsson
Anglo-Saxon Food and Drink: Production, Processing, Distribution and Consumption (2010), by Ann Hagen
Tastes of Anglo-Saxon England (2002), by Mary Savelli
A Heathen Guide to Cooking, Baking & Brewing (2017), by Craig Brooks, Emma Brooks
Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers: The Secrets of Ancient Fermentation (1998), by Stephen Harrod Buhner
The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks (1998), by Marcel Detienne, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Viking Clothing (2006), by Thor Ewing